Welcome to rivas-cli

Default use

The default use is only exec command

$ npx rivas-cli
They will have a series of steps to complete your action

step 1: Insert name of the component

step 2: Select language

  • Typescript: typescript, ts, tsx, --typescript, --ts, --tsx
  • Javascript: javascript, js, jsx, --javascript, --js, --jsx

step 3: Select path location

short: atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates, a, m, o, t, -a, -m, -o, -t, --a, --m, --o, --t

If there is no valid address for you select === Created in custom path ===

Advance use

To skip the previous steps you can use the arguments.

$ npx rivas-cli [name] [language] [path]


$ npx rivas-cli MyComponent --tsx atoms
$ npx rivas-cli MyComponent --tsx molecules
$ npx rivas-cli MyComponent --tsx custom


$ npx rivas-cli --help